Airport Business
Grand Forks International Airport is one of the region's most significant economic engines, with a total economic output of almost $200 million. The airport and its tenants employ more than 500 people on the airport campus and support more than 170 jobs in the community. Whether you're interested in becoming an airport vendor, real estate development or joining the airport team, you'll find the information you need here.
Advertise at GFK
Advertising in front of captive audiences of hundreds of people 24/7/365 - for as little as $1/day? Yes, that's a great value and you can get that at GFK. We have 3 groups of screens - baggage claim, gate area, and lobbies - each group of 4-5 screens rotates advertisements for 15 seconds each for only $365 per year.
How do you learn more? Click here!
Airport Badging
The Grand Forks International Airport issues security badges to airport employees, hangar tenants, and others who need access to the secured areas of the airport. There are four basic steps to obtaining a badge:
- An Authorized Signatory (i.e., your employer, hangar lessor) authorizes you to make your first badging appointment.
- At your first appointment, the badging office collects enough information from you for the TSA to perform a security threat assessment (STA); and depending on your authorization, they may take your fingerprints for a background check through the FBI.
- Once you've been cleared to obtain a badge, you will be emailed links to online videos with quizzes to train you on your responsibilities as a GFK Airport badge holder.
- After successfully completing your training, you make your second appointment at the badging office to receive your badge.
Follow this link for more detailed information.
Airport Careers
Working at the Grand Forks International Airport is fun and exciting. If you're interested in working here, just click below to find out how!
The Grand Forks Regional Airport Authority employs the following:
Director of Finance and Administration
Director of Maintenance and Operations
Administrative Assistant
ARFF Operations Specialist I
Custodian General Maintenance Worker
Maintenance Specialist I
When employment positions open up, we will add links to the above so you'll have all the information you need to apply.

Links to all of our rules, regulations, minimum standards, fees, policy statements, meeting minutes and more are located on our Documents page.

Master Plan Updates
The Grand Forks Regional Airport Authority has recently updated the Airport Master Plan for the Grand Forks International Airport (GFK). This Airport Master Plan studied the facility needs and development plans to meet demand for the next 20 years. The study guides efficient airport development with the flexibility to react to changes.
This webpage has been created to be a link to the community to share information on the study and receive feedback from you. Various links below are provided to access project documents.
For questions on the study please contact the Airport Administration Office at 701-795-6981.

Public Notices
(Information provided as it becomes available, generally one week prior to meeting date)
Agenda -Airport Authority Board Meeting - Meets the 4th Thursday of every month.
Please visit the link below for next meeting date/ time.
For a complete AGENDA, please click here
RFPs, RFQs, Bid Requests
Surplus Items for Sale
None at this time.