1959-84 Norman Midboe Historical Collection
A very important part of our airport’s history is a man named Norman Midboe (1922-2015). Mr. Midboe started working for the Grand Forks Airport in 1941 at age 19, and became manager in 1961. He was at the helm until he retired 23 years later in 1984. His leadership brought many changes to the airport, most of which were written about in the local newspaper. Mr. Midboe was diligent about clipping those articles and keeping them organized in scrapbooks. In 2006, Airport Authority staff member Coleen Peterson was pleased to have had the chance to visit with him and listened to stories about many of his experiences as a pilot and as Grand Forks Airport's manager. We were thrilled that he lent us his airport history scrapbooks so we could have them scanned by the generous staff at the Ellwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections at UND's Chester Fritz Library. Mr. Midboe subsequently donated the scrapbooks to the library, who provided this link to their information regarding the Midboe Collection. Interestingly, the there is mention that the Collection includes a transcript of a speech by Midboe entitled "Airport History: Old Grand Forks International Airport", that was delivered at the Grand Forks Aviator's Pioneer Banquet on February 28, 1976. Curt Hanson, the current head of Special Collections, generously provided us with the transcript (click link above), saying the Midboe Collection is quite a treasure, and that UND's Aviation History class visits every year to look at it.
Norman Midboe: 1922-2015 - Read about his life here, and view a 2011 video of him talking about his start at the Grand Forks Airport by clicking here.
The links below open the scrapbook PDF files. We caution that these are very large files and take time to load.
The photos below were from the Midboe Collection and the descriptions were written by Mr. Midboe.